{ "products": [ { "available": true, "title": "Advanced Jewellery Diploma", "vendor": "London Jewellery School" }, { "available": true, "title": "Diploma in Silver Jewellery (summer intensive)", "vendor": "London Jewellery School" }, { "available": true, "title": "NEW Diploma in Silver Jewellery (1 Year)", "vendor": "London Jewellery School" } ] }
Dear valued students, the London Jewellery School will not be reopening its premises for the foreseeable future and we are now offering online classes. For more information please check our 'questions' page in the menu. And to find out about online learning please visit 'Jewellers Academy' (www.jewellersacademy.com) in the menu. Please contact the LJS for all enquiries by email at info@londonjewelleryschool.co.uk. Best wishes LJS Team x
0203 176 0546
Store info

Mon-Sat, 9am-5pm


Ground Floor Studios

New House, 67-68 Hatton Garden, London EC1N 8JY

Ground Floor Studios

New House, 67-68 Hatton Garden, London EC1N 8JY

Mon-Sat, 9am-5pm

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Displaying your Jewellery at Craft Fairs and Market

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If you are doing any summer craft fairs you’ve probably been preparing your stock and deciding your pricing. It’s now time to turn your attention to your display. Here are some ideas and advice from tutor Anna Campbell from her own experiences of selling at Spitalfields and Camden Lock markets in London, on attracting attention and making the most of your space.


1. Space

Firstly, check how much space you will have and what will be provided by the organisers. Do you need to bring your own table? Lighting (I have sold at a market where you had to bring your own lightbulbs!)? Table covering?

Once you have the full details, mark out the size of space you will have on a table at home and play around with displaying your work.


2. Preparation

Make a full list of what you need to bring with you, see the blog post craft market checklist, for help with this.


3. Labelling your products

Many customers don’t like to ask the price and worry you may be charging them more than others if you don’t display your pricing. I suggest either labelling each item clearly or, a technique I used was to bring slate tiles and chalk pens. That way I was able to change my pricing through the day if I decided to or to create offers e.g. buy two for £XX.


4. Innovative and eye catching displays

Having a theme for your display can help you stand out from the crowd. Here are a few ideas to get you thinking about what could work for your jewellery.

London-Jewellery-School-Blog-Jewellery-Display-Ideas 1

J Crew ice cream jewellery display



Planting some seeds for the future pendant by Ornella Iannuzzi on display at Liberty



Earring display from Buzzle



Clipboard display from Swirl Marketing


5. Framing your jewellery



Frame your earrings from Broke and Healthy



Umbrella earring display from  Georgie Designs


6. Using height

Don’t forget to use height in your display to maximise the amount of space you have and so that people can see some of your work from a distance. Here are a few ideas to inspire you:


Bracelet display riser from Uniq Display



Jewellery display from Packaging World



Branches display idea from Joana’s creative notes


We’d love to see photos of your jewellery displays. Please share them with us in the comments below or via our instagram, twitter or facebook pages.

Author: Anna Campbell

LJG Guest Blogger - Anna Campbell of Campbell Hall Designs