{ "products": [ { "available": true, "title": "Advanced Jewellery Diploma", "vendor": "London Jewellery School" }, { "available": true, "title": "Diploma in Silver Jewellery (summer intensive)", "vendor": "London Jewellery School" }, { "available": true, "title": "NEW Diploma in Silver Jewellery (1 Year)", "vendor": "London Jewellery School" } ] }
Dear valued students, the London Jewellery School will not be reopening its premises for the foreseeable future and we are now offering online classes. For more information please check our 'questions' page in the menu. And to find out about online learning please visit 'Jewellers Academy' (www.jewellersacademy.com) in the menu. Please contact the LJS for all enquiries by email at info@londonjewelleryschool.co.uk. Best wishes LJS Team x
0203 176 0546
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Mon-Sat, 9am-5pm


Ground Floor Studios

New House, 67-68 Hatton Garden, London EC1N 8JY

Ground Floor Studios

New House, 67-68 Hatton Garden, London EC1N 8JY

Mon-Sat, 9am-5pm

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Why you should enter jewellery competitions

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There are many competitions and challenges out there that you can get involved in whether you are a beginner jewellery maker or advanced but are they a good idea? LJS tutor Anna Campbell argues why you should give them a try


To work to a theme

Competitions often have a theme or some restrictions, for example in the materials you can use. This can be beneficial because this helps you focus on your current skills or stretches you to consider new techniques or designs.


To challenge yourself

Jewellery competitions are a chance to challenge yourself and work on something you perhaps would not have attempted otherwise.


Seachange ring by Sally Costen for F Hinds

To get exposure

When you enter competitions the entries are usually shown on a website or facebook page (sometimes even on TV) allowing you to get exposure to what is often a large group of people. You also often get encouraging feedback and comments. If you work alone at home you may not usually get this amount of scrutiny and feedback for your work and this opportunity can be a good thing. You may also receive sales enquiries through these channels.

In 2015 one of our diploma students, Sally Costen, won the High Street by Design competition run by jewellers F Hinds. Sally’s designs were manufactured and sold by the jeweller and this helped to launch her business Clerkenwell Jewellery.


To work to a deadline

Competitions have a deadline. If you work from home you may find it difficult to self-impose deadlines so this can be a great ideas! You can’t work on it indefinitely – at some point you have to say it’s done and enter it!


For the prizes!

Often these competitions have some great prizes! You’ve got to be in it to win it!


How do I find competitions?

So, I have you convinced but how do you find these competitions? Here are a few places to have a look.



Jewellery making themed facebook groups and pages often have competitions for example Metal Clay Europe currently have a challenge called ‘movement and mechanical’ with the first prize being 300g of Art Clay Silver 950.

To find a relevant facebook group login to fb and type the type of jewellery making you’re interested in the search box (or just type ‘jewellery making’)

Click on ‘group’ at the top of the screen and have a look at the names of the groups available. If you are interested you can click join to join the group and see whether there are any competitions currently running.


Magazines and online resources

Magazines like Making Jewellery often have competitions or ask readers to send in images of their work and choose work to feature. Being able to say ‘as seen in… ‘ is great for your publicity as an artist.

Benchpeg have a competitions section which is worth checking periodically for updates.


Jewellery suppliers

Jewellery suppliers e.g. Cooksons and Metal Clay often also have competitions and excellent prizes so keep an eye on their websites and social media pages.

There are also TV craft channels e.g. Create and Craft that run competitions giving you great TV exposure.


Collaboration projects

There are a few collaboration projects where one jeweller starts a piece and then passes it to another to work on etc for example LJS tutor Penny Akester is currently running the Pass it Along Project.


Are there any competitions that are currently running you can recommend to us? Let us know in the comments below